dr.aljuraisy Admin
عدد الرسائل : 4046 العمل/الترفيه : طبيب أختصاصي طب الأطفال وحديثي الولادة المزاج : الحمد لله جيد تاريخ التسجيل : 15/09/2008
| موضوع: تشكيلات أخرى على الكيبورد السبت يناير 24, 2009 3:08 am | |
| Keyboard Keys
1- CTRL + N: New Document. (File Menu) 2- CTRL + O: Open Exist Document. (File Menu) 3- CTRL + P: Print Document. (File Menu) 4- CTRL + F9: to insert Braces to insert known field. Error! Reference source not found. 5- CTRL + A: Select All. (Edit Menu) 6- CTRL + S: Save Document. (File Menu) 7- CTRL + F: Find. (Edit Menu) 8- CTRL + G: Go To. (F5). (Edit Menu) 9- CTRL + H: Replace. (Edit Menu) 10- CTRL + X: Cut. (Edit Menu) 11- CTRL + C: Copy. (Edit Menu) 12- CTRL + V: Paste. (Edit Menu) 13- CTRL + Z: Undo. (Edit Menu) 14- CTRL + Y: Redo. (Edit Menu) 15- CTRL + F1: Task Pane. (View Menu) 16- CTRL + K: Hyperlink. (Insert Menu) 17- CTRL + F5: Minimize the windows to the small size. 18- CTRL + F10: Maximize the windows to the normal size. 19- CTRL + Left or Right Arrow: Move the insertion pointer one word. 20- CTRL + C (twice): Clipboard. (Edit Menu) 21- CTRL + End: Place the insertion pointer at the end of the document. 22- CTRL + Home: Place the insertion pointer at the beginning of the document. 23- CTRL + B: Bold font. 24- CTRL + I: Italic font. 25- CTRL + U: Underlined font. 26- CTRL + L: Left Alignment. 27- CTRL + R: Right Alignment. 28- CTRL + J: Justify text. 29- CTRL + E: Center the text. 30- CTRL + [: Decrease font size by 1 degree. 31- CTRL + ]: Increase font size by 1 degree. 32- CTRL + D: Display the font dialog box. 33- CTRL + Spacebar: Clear the formatting attributes of the font. 34- CTRL + 1: Single Space. 35- CTRL + 2: Double Space. 36- CTRL + 5: 1.5 Spaces. 37- CTRL + F2: Print Preview. 38- Shift + CTRL + C: Copy format. 39- Shift + CTRL + V: Paste format. 40- Shift + CTRL + E: Track Changes (TRK). (Tools Menu) 41- CTRL + M: Increase Indent. 42- Shift + CTRL + M: Decrease Indent. 43- Shift + CTRL + >: Increases font size to the larger degree exists in the list box. 44- Shift + CTRL + <: Decreases font size to the smaller degree exists in the list box. 45- Shift + CTRL + W: Underlined font without underlining the spaces between words. 46- Shift + CTRL + D: Double underlined font. 47- CTRL + =: Subscript font. 48- Shift + CTRL + =: Superscript font. 49- Shift + CTRL + k: Small Caps font. 50- Shift + CTRL + H: Hidden font. 51- Shift + CTRL + A: All Caps font. 52- Shift + CTRL + 8: Display the (Show/Hidden Button) or (non-printing characters) that is used to show the hidden words. 53- Shift + CTRL + Spacebar: Display this character (non-breaking space). 54- Shift + F1: Reveal Formatting. (Format Menu) 55- Shift + F5: Return the insertion pointer to the previous location. 56- Shift + F7: Display Thesaurus. 57- Shift + Enter: to break a line before its wrap without starting a new paragraph. 58- F7: Spelling & Grammar. (Tools Menu) 59- F1: Word Help. (Help Menu) 60- Alt + CTRL + Home: Select Browse Object. يتبع
| |
dr.aljuraisy Admin
عدد الرسائل : 4046 العمل/الترفيه : طبيب أختصاصي طب الأطفال وحديثي الولادة المزاج : الحمد لله جيد تاريخ التسجيل : 15/09/2008
| موضوع: رد: تشكيلات أخرى على الكيبورد السبت يناير 24, 2009 3:12 am | |
| تكملة الموضوع تشكيلات على الكيبورد Keybosrd Keys 61- Alt + CTRL + C: Display this character . 62- Alt + CTRL + R: Display this character . 63- Alt + CTRL + T: Display this character . 64- Alt + O + E: Display the Change Case dialog box. 65- Alt + CTRL + M: Insert a Comment. 66- Alt + CTRL + Num - : Display this character —. 67- Alt + CTRL + S: Split window two horizontal parts. 68- Alt + CTRL + I: Print Preview. 69- Insert Menu à Date & Time task pane. 70- Insert Menu à Diagram task pane. 71- Insert Menu à Reference task pane. 72- Insert Menu à Field task paneà includetext. 73- Insert Menu à Hyperlink task pane. 74- Tools Menu à Options task pane à View tab. 75- Tools Menu à Options task pane à Track Changes 76- Tools Menu à Options task pane à Spelling & Grammars tab. 77- Tools Menu à Options task pane à General tab à Web Options. 78- Tools Menu à Options task pane à Save tab. 79- Tools Menu à Options task pane à File Locations. 80- Tools Menu à Options task pane à Print tab. 81- Tools Menu à AutoSummerize task pane. 82- Tools Menu à AutoCorrect Options task pane. 83- Tools Menu à Word Count task pane. 84- Tools Menu à Language task pane à Thesaurus. 85- Tools Menu à Customize task pane. 86- Tools Menu à Letters and Mailings à Envelopes and Labels. 87- View Menu à Full Screen. 88- View Menu à Ruler task pane.[1] 89- View Menu à Markup task pane. 90- Double-Click on the picture à Web tab à Add the Alternative text. 100- Right-Click on Line à Format Horizontal Line. 101- Format Menu à Tabs task pane. 102- Format Menu à Reveal Formatting task pane. 103- Format Menu à Drop Cap task pane. 104- Format Menu à Borders and Shading task pane à Horizontal Line. 105- Format Menu à Columns task pane. 106- Format Menu à Bullets and Numbering task pane à Customize. 107- Format Menu à Frames task pane à New Frame Page. 108- Format Menu à Style and Formatting task pane à New Style. 109- Format Menu à Background task pane à Printed Watermark. 110- Format Menu à Theme task pane. 111- Format Menu à Paragraph task pane. 112- Format Menu à Font task pane. 113- Format Menu à Change Case task pane. 114- Document Template (.dot) saves the file as a template. You can use to build similar documents. 115- F8: Activate the Extend selection (EXT). 116- F8+F8: Select only the indicated word. 117- F8+ F8+ F8: Select the indicated sentence. 118- F8+ F8+ F8+ F8: Select the indicated Paragraph. 119- F8+ F8+ F8+ F8+ F8: Select the Whole Document. 120- F10: Activating the Research Task Pane. _________________ <p> خالص شكري وتقديري د-عبد الهادي الجريصي </p> <p> </p> | |